August 2017, Anglesey Stacks trip with P&H dealer Manu Redureau

On Sunday 27 August P&H dealer Manu Redureau, of Bekayak, Brest, France, joined me for a blast around the Stacks.  This trip also gave Manu the opportunity to try out the Delphin MKII Corelite X in rough water conditions.

Our journey took us from Porth Dafarch to North Stack and back - similar to the route shown below from the 'Welsh Sea Kayaking: Fifty Great Sea Kayak Voyages' book.  We enjoyed surf and rough water at Penrhyn Mawr, followed by some small surf at South Stack before lunch on the rocks in Gogarth Bay - the seal pupping season from August to November precluded us from using the beaches.  After lunch we returned to Porth Dafarch by closely following the coastline and exploring lots of channels, arches, caves and rock gardens.  The journey was both fun and a great work out.  Thanks for a great day out Manu!


September 30 2017, Penrhyn Mawr, Anglesey Highlights


August 2017, Avian Botulism on the Skerries